In the beginning

Genesis 1:1 -2

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

The scripture opens up with the narrative of how the earth was without void, empty and dark. Shapeless, hopeless and fruitless. I’m very sure it would demand a really positively creative mind to imagine the splendour and magnificence that could emerge from all that hopelessness. Yet, the Spirit of God hovered over the situational horizon and began to speak into being what He wanted to birth.

One word at a time, one sentence at a time, a day running into six, here comes the creation of the earth, everything it inhabits and the crown of creation – humankind. Oh wow! Who would have thought for a second?

Hey, do you think the situation of the earth before creation resonates with you? Is your life filled with a lot of darkness, hopelessness, shapelessness at the moment? Do you feel nothing makes sense at all? Do you believe your life can never amount to anything worthwhile based on your current circumstances?

Well, there can be a new beginning and there will be a new beginning. Something beautiful will come out of your life. Allow the Holy Spirit hover above your heart. Let him start the work with the state of your heart, heal your brokenness and begin to speak forth. God didn’t create beauty out of beauty. He created a beautiful world out of chaos and misery. Regardless of what your life looks like right now, God can create a beautiful masterpiece yout of you.
Surrender your pain to Him today and let Him work through it.


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